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Genetic Engineering

JANUARY 31, 2025 Homeworld Lost By J.N. Chaney

During a test flight for the world’s first warp engine, Major Noah Gantz is set to go down in the history books.

Despite years of training, the mission goes sideways, and instead of a quick trip to the moon and back, Noah's ship is transported across the universe to stars unknown.

Stranded i...

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JANUARY 29, 2025 HADRON Dark Matter By Stephen Arseneault

The infrastructure that enables our civilization, power, and communications, is nullified. Billions die from starvation. Life on Earth is shaken to its core... Grab this first exciting book today and see just how bad it gets!

As altruistic as most of us believe ourselves to be, we would rapidly b...

JANUARY 24, 2025 Out of the Earth: A Military Sci-Fi Series By Jake Bible

Something else has been living beneath the Earth. Now, it's their time to rule...

The Yellowstone supervolcano has begun to erupt, sending North America into chaos and the rest of the world into a panic. People are dangerous and desperate, knowing this will plunge the continent, and the world, in...

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JANUARY 23, 2025 War in the Void: A Galactic Wars Prequel By Tripp Ellis

The war has raged for years.
The Federation is losing.
Only a miracle can save humanity.

An opportunity to steal alien technology could turn the tide. Aria Slade always wanted her own command, but not like this. When Captain Barclay is killed, Slade takes command of the Excelsior and is in for ...

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[US Sale] Terror stalks a new world colony.

After nearly two hundred years’ travel, humanity’s first deep space colony expedition has arrived at its new home.

Ethan, the descendant of six generations who lived and died aboard ship, treads on soil and feels the wind and rain for the first t...

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JANUARY 20, 2025 SODIUM Harbinger: (Book 1) By Stephen Arseneault

A wilderness hike. What could go wrong? How about alien machines stalking Humans...
Man is suddenly no longer alone in the universe. Advanced enemies plague our very existence. We have to muster all our strength, determination, and courage if we are to survive. And if those can be managed, there is...

JANUARY 20, 2025 Generations: A Sciene Fiction Mystery Thriller By Noam Josephides

"An epic science fiction political noir!" - Publishers Weekly || ”Extraordinary!” - Kirkus Reviews || “Generations proves as brisk and engaging as it is ambitious." - BookLife


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JANUARY 17, 2025 The Bionics (The Bionics Novels Book 1) By Alicia Michaels

A heart-pumping futuristic thrill-ride set in a frightening dystopian society. 2016 Once Upon A Book Award Winner.

It is the year 4006, and nuclear war has come to the United States. With tens of thousands killed and countless more injured or terminally ill from the blasts, there is no more “no...

Marci, a super soldier and escapee of the Astral’s bio-enhancement military program Zedger, has found a new purpose in rescuing others like her. But she can’t do it alone, and not without parts. Marci must travel to the last standing city of Tellurians in the irradiated expanse of Zion. There, i...

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JANUARY 13, 2025 Heritage of War: Incoming By Joshua James

Aidan Foster never wanted to be a hero, and he sure as hell never wanted to be a starship captain. But one led to the other and now he finds himself and his crew in an all-out war against an alien species that seems to know their every weakness.

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