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Space Opera

When a mining colony on an endangered moon is threatened, it’s a race against time for the Enterprise crew to find a solution in this original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series.

The USS Enterprise responds to a distress call from a vital dilithium-mining colony in the ...

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JULY 19, 2024 Prompt Excursion By Lewis S. Kingston

An injured officer awakes on a heavily damaged military spaceship. Her memory is impaired. No one answers her calls. The ship is out of control. They are dying, adrift, the chance of rescue shrinking by the second.

Clinging to the few positive thoughts she can remember, she fights to survive, to ...

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JULY 17, 2024 Emergence (The Dark Tide Trilogy Book 1) By Dayne Edmondson

[US + UK] Aliens have invaded the Milky Way.

Captain Martin and his fleet at the opposite end of our galaxy is all that stands between the emerging ancient aliens and certain destruction of humanity. Even with the help of powerful magic, the alien menace may be too much to overcome.

JULY 17, 2024 Generations: A Science Fiction Mystery Thriller By Noam Josephides

"An epic science fiction political noir!" - Publishers Weekly || ”Extraordinary!” - Kirkus Reviews || “Generations proves as brisk and engaging as it is ambitious." - BookLife


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Contact with aliens was the last thing on Alice's mind when she heads for Mars with her cat
(Book 1 of 10). Two worlds are about to collide when apprehensive aliens enter our solar system in the 25th century. When a body is discovered, can she prove the suspect is innocent before the soldiers make ...

His stomach sank…as he watched from the bridge. What was this place?

Lieutenant Commander Cross was on shift and in command when they were dragged through the wormhole. Now, the UAL Washington DC, a Destroyer, was in the middle of a strange asteroid field and the AAN Gagarin, which they had bee...

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JULY 12, 2024 Escaping Gravity: A Space Opera Adventure By J.D. Sullivan

Dillon Mackey has always wanted to travel the stars...

When brilliant scientist and inventor Sherisza Rousilarru offers him an apprenticeship aboard her starship, he leaps at the chance to escape a boring future in the law.

But she's not the last of her kind for no reason. Dillon finds himsel...

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JULY 12, 2024 The Fall of Valdek By Peter Nealen

Centurion Scalas and his brothers ride the thundering ships toward the surface. Some of the finest and most respected warriors in the galaxy.

Their code is strict: If you target the innocent…You will fall.

But the horrific foe descending from deep space isn’t like anything they’ve face...

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Kickass sci-fi heroine versus deadly aliens.

Growing up as a Martian on Earth has left Jas Harrington solitary, quick-tempered, and with zero tolerance for fools. All plus points when working as chief security officer aboard prospecting starships.

Jas's latest berth is on the Galathea, which t...

Bloodthirsty Aliens aren’t the only threat…

Ozzy faced an alien horde and an ancient weapon trying to kill him. He saved humanity twice and used the Ark to send the alien’s back to earth.

He’s not out of the woods yet.

While the Ark can protect Mars, it can’t stop the aliens for g...

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