On the peaceful world of Ocysina, Daeleon the Flamechaser has earned his reputation as a fearless monster hunter. After vanquishing the formidable Demon Lord of Pride, he roams the land, taking on perilous missions and curious odd jobs. But when a seemingly simple task—escorting a merchant across the continent—goes awry near the quiet city of Malevon, Daeleon finds himself on another unexpected quest.
To earn complimentary room and drinks, Daeleon reluctantly accepts a bounty to hunt a gr...
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On the peaceful world of Ocysina, Daeleon the Flamechaser has earned his reputation as a fearless monster hunter. After vanquishing the formidable Demon Lord of Pride, he roams the land, taking on perilous missions and curious odd jobs. But when a seemingly simple task—escorting a merchant across the continent—goes awry near the quiet city of Malevon, Daeleon finds himself on another unexpected quest.
To earn complimentary room and drinks, Daeleon reluctantly accepts a bounty to hunt a grotesque abomination that has been terrorizing the city at night. As he confronts this fiend, the blood trickling from its lips awakens haunting memories of a past he thought he’d left behind. Each chilling word it utters forces him to confront the scars of his former life and the nightmares he thought he had conquered.
In a city preyed upon by eldritch horrors, Daeleon must battle not only the hellish creatures lurking in the darkness but also the shadows within himself. With every pull of the trigger, the stakes rise. Will he succeed in slaying the monstrous fiends of Malevon, or will he prove to be the greatest threat of them all?
Follow Daeleon on a gripping journey filled with suspense, emotional turmoil, and heart-stopping action. In this grim tale rife with anguish and sorrow, the line between hunter and hunted blurs, revealing that even legends have their own demons.
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