In this epic tale, six teenagers discover they were born half human and half alien. The teenagers are invited to the mysterious Zen Academy, an institution that is kept secret from the rest of the world. There they meet the alluring Chancellor Thorne, the pure alien headmaster who informs the teenagers they are safe. She tells them her true desire is to help them control and understand their strange abilities. This, however, is her biggest lie.The teenagers soon discover that many of the student...
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In this epic tale, six teenagers discover they were born half human and half alien. The teenagers are invited to the mysterious Zen Academy, an institution that is kept secret from the rest of the world. There they meet the alluring Chancellor Thorne, the pure alien headmaster who informs the teenagers they are safe. She tells them her true desire is to help them control and understand their strange abilities. This, however, is her biggest lie.The teenagers soon discover that many of the students who fail the training portion of this Academy have gone missing. The true colors of the good headmaster begin to expose themselves. As the teenagers escape the clutches of Zen Academy, they expose the chancellor's true motives and the depths she will sink to achieve them. Despite their conflicting personalities, the teenagers must come together, not only for their survival, but also for the fate of the world. They are dangerous. They are threatening. They are The Ominous
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