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[Fu-Manchu! - JB] “When did you last hear from Nayland Smith?” asked my visitor.

I paused; my hand on the syphon; reflecting for a moment.

“Two months ago;” I said; “he’s a poor correspondent and rather soured; I fancy.”

“What—a woman or something?”

“Some affair of ...

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["US + CA only for some reason" - JB] Collected for the first time, these Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.


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APRIL 21, 2023 A Hard Rain (Star Trek: The Next Generation Book 65) By Dean Wesley Smith

[US + CA] Captain Jean-Luc Picard has long enjoyed playing the part of Dixon Hill, a hard-boiled private eye straight out of American pulpfiction. His holographic excursions into 1940s San Francisco, a colorful world of gunplay and gangsters, provide a welcome diversion from his hefty responsibiliti...

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[US + CA] An enemy so intractable that it cannot be reasoned with. The entire race thinks with one mind and strives toward one purpose: to add our biological distinctiveness to their own and wipe out individuality, to make every living thing Borg.

In over two centuries, the Federation has never e...

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MARCH 17, 2023 Plague Ship By Andrew North

The crew of the space trader Solar Queen discovered a plague on board. Now they are forbidden by Federation rules from landing on any inhabited planet - and their supplies are running dangerously low! [CLASSIC pulp fun - JB]

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FEBRUARY 20, 2023 Crash. Burn. Die. (Reality Bleed Book 3) By J.Z. Foster

[US + UK] They crawl inside you and take your body.

Split up and wounded, the crew of the Perihelion is still fighting for their survival. The mysterious Will Braun is a man of dark secrets, some of which he only now chooses to reveal.

With the whole station threatening critical failure, will ...

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NOVEMBER 21, 2022 Cinderstellar By J. M. Page

Stella’s fought her whole life for a shot at being a pilot.

Her father forbids it, and her stepmother stands in her way at every turn. Determined to follow in her legendary mom’s footsteps, she’s not afraid to break a few rules in pursuit of her dreams. Nothing will stop her from coming out...

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JULY 22, 2022 Against Time By Dean Wesley Smith

USA Today bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith introduces his galaxy-spanning Seeders Universe with a new novel. Paleontologist Callie Sheridan spent a few days deep in the Oregon Caves on a dig with three students from the University of Oregon. When they emerged, they found almost everyone in the w...

FEBRUARY 21, 2022 Hell on Mars By J.Z. Foster

Seven months ago, a Mars research facility made first contact.
Now they're silent.
The crew of the Perihelion will soon find out why.
Something went wrong in the Mars research station. A gate to another reality was opened, and now the whole station has gone dark.

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An overconfident pilot with a stolen spaceship must fix an alien device before time runs out.

The Newtonians came to Earth two thousand years ago looking for a place to call home. Earth was perfect except its Sun had a fatal flaw that needed to be corrected. Once it was fixed, they were free to a...

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