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First Contact

DECEMBER 23, 2022 SOLAR STORM: Moon Base Delta By Gerald M. Kilby

A dramatic new hard sci-fi epic from the author of the highly acclaimed Colony Mars & The Belt series.

In space, all that matters is survival.

Rapid colonization of the Moon is pushing both national space agencies and powerful corporations to negotiate a New Lunar Accord in an effort to preven...

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DECEMBER 21, 2022 Heritage of War: Incoming By Joshua James

Aidan Foster never wanted to be a hero, and he sure as hell never wanted to be a starship captain. But one led to the other and now he finds himself and his crew in an all-out war against an alien species that seems to know their every weakness.

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DECEMBER 19, 2022 Blood and Steel: A Military Sci-Fi Series By Josh Hayes

Boasted to be everything Earth wasn't - clean, unsullied, safe - Lander learns upon arrival that Tranquility is anything but. New Independence has gone dark and it soon becomes clear that he will have to fight a terrifying enemy to save their new home, forcing him back into the very life he'd though...

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DECEMBER 18, 2022 Earth Fall: Invasion By Raymond L. Weil

The Trellixian Empire was constantly expanding, seeking new worlds for their ever-increasing population. If worlds were discovered with existing sentient populations, they were cleansed to make room for colonization. Hundreds of budding civilizations had been eliminated by Trellixian battle fleets.

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DECEMBER 18, 2022 Blood and Steel: A Military Sci-Fi Series By Josh Hayes

Boasted to be everything Earth wasn't - clean, unsullied, safe - Lander learns upon arrival that Tranquility is anything but. New Independence has gone dark and it soon becomes clear that he will have to fight a terrifying enemy to save their new home, forcing him back into the very life he'd though...

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DECEMBER 16, 2022 Out of the Earth: A Military Sci-Fi Series By Jake Bible

Something else has been living beneath the Earth. Now, it's their time to rule...

The Yellowstone supervolcano has begun to erupt, sending North America into chaos and the rest of the world into a panic. People are dangerous and desperate, knowing this will plunge the continent, and the world, in...

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DECEMBER 14, 2022 Fire Ant (The Navy of Humanity: Wasp Pilot Book 1) By Jonathan P. Brazee


Floribeth Salinas O’Shea Dalisay is an Off-Planet Worker, employed as an exploration pilot by the giant corporation, Hamdani Brothers. Sent on a routine mission to analyze one of the millions of systems in the galaxy, she stumbles across something that ...

The year is 2066. New York City. Giant snake aliens invade Earth and a nine-year-old Ben witnesses an atrocity that sears itself across his mind forever.

Nine years later at the age of eighteen Ben joins the Earth Defense Force to partake in Operation King Cobra to blow the crap out of the Nagap...

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DECEMBER 12, 2022 Darkness Beyond (Duchy of Terra Book 4) By Glynn Stewart

[US + UK] A newly-founded human colony world burned from orbit
A warship squadron of the galaxy’s oldest race ambushed and destroyed
An ancient enemy reborn in the darkness beyond the known stars

The A!Tol Imperium and their new human subjects have had fifteen years of relative peace. New col...

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DECEMBER 05, 2022 Intrepid (Taurian Empire Book 1) By Nate Johnson

- A military space opera from an enlisted man's point of view - Discovering new worlds. What could be better. What was supposed to be a six month cruise of discovery had turned into a glorified baby sitting adventure for a bunch of civilians. Leave it to the Imperial Navy to ruin a good thing. Petty...