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First Contact

OCTOBER 11, 2021 Dark Nebula: Isolation By Sean Willson

The President of the Confederation of Planetary Explorers is horrified when hostile aliens arrive to announce they're putting humanity on trial. Forced to act as her species' defender in court, she struggles to hide her family's hidden multi-generational history that could lead to a sentence of geno...

OCTOBER 01, 2021 The Navigator By P.M. Johnson

The old world order collapsed following the meteor impacts of 2031 when fire rained down from the skies, instantly vaporizing millions. Billions more died during the Long Winter and resource wars that followed. Over one hundred years have passed since those devastating events and new societies have ...

SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 The Captain's Rose: Moons of Ves'Oni By Aeryn Zaera

It's 2385 and the aliens that have invaded Earth are competing with two sects of people for destroying what's left. The wars have been going on since long before the Turner girls were born and there's no end in sight.

SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 Test of Magnitude By Andy Kasch

Brandon Foss, an unhappily married Virginian in his early thirties, awakes from a strange dream to discover he has been abducted from Earth and kept in cryonic preservation on Amulen for two decades.

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 Migration: Unending Earths By Justin Alexander Alt

Tech entrepreneur Michael Sorenson invented the technology to save humanity from the confines of death. What he didn’t know was that people at his own company were working on the technology needed to travel across dimensions. Humans had reached the brink of exploring far beyond human imagination.

A 13 year old boy, dying of a rare brain disease, is the only one able to hear and decode signals from outer space. SETI confirms it is a real signal. What is the message? How will the world react? And most of all: are the aliens coming?

SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 The Heaviness of Knowing By Sharolyn G. Brown

Roxal is desperate to stay alive. So desperate that she pretends to obey her gods even though she knows they are false. But now her gods are hunting down and executing the non-believers, and Roxal fears her pretense may no longer keep her safe.

Captain Josiah Bleys is one heck of a smuggler. A man with no respect for rules, save one: 'Don’t be a hero'.

Chief Ragnar Kane, one of the Emperor's finest warriors, likewise harbors no aspirations toward gallantry, just increasing his kill count.

Fate, however, has other plans.

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AUGUST 13, 2021 Frontier's Reach: A Space Opera Adventure By Robert C. James

What secrets lay beyond the Reach? Only a down on his luck war veteran aboard a broken-down old cargo ship has the courage to find out...

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AUGUST 11, 2021 Blood and Steel: A Military Sci-Fi Series By Josh Hayes

Boasted to be everything Earth wasn't - clean, unsullied, safe - Lander learns upon arrival that Tranquility is anything but. New Independence has gone dark and it soon becomes clear that he will have to fight a terrifying enemy to save their new home, forcing him back into the very life he'd though...

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