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MARCH 10, 2021 Reclaiming Honor By Marc Alan Edelheit

A Pariah amongst his people, an outcast and undesirable, Tovak intends to serve and do his part. He must hide his true identity in hopes of making a name for himself and proving his worth. Punished for the actions of his father, something in which he had no part, he has suffered one setback, one inj...

MARCH 08, 2021 Blue Guardian (Hybrid Book 1) By S.J. Madill

It's been forty years since the end of the war. Despite struggling with millions of refugees, humanity looks to the future. Their uneasy allies — the Palani — look to the past, and remember the vast empire they once ruled.

Their journey to the brightest star in the skies of Earth has now become a dreadful catastrophe with the potential to reach Earth if left unchecked. With innocent colonists at risk and no means of communicating with Earth, Rebecca must abandon her primary mission of exploration in order to take on a...

MARCH 03, 2021 The Emperor's Edge By Lindsay Buroker

Imperial law enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon is good at her job: she can deter thieves and pacify thugs, if not with a blade, then by toppling an eight-foot pile of coffee canisters onto their heads. But when ravaged bodies show up on the waterfront, an arson covers up human sacrifices, and a powerful bus...

Humans, aliens, and dragons. Who will inherit the galaxy? They said aliens didn’t exist, until they landed on the White House lawn. They said dragons didn’t exist, until they arrived in the galaxy . . . To turn it into cosmic dust.

[US + UK] On October 15, Elizabeth Coombs wakes up from one nightmare to find herself in another. Her husband and son have gone on a midnight fishing trip and the world outside has changed in subtle but unmistakable ways. Her son returns home alone with no idea where his father is.

Just one probl...

FEBRUARY 26, 2021 Red Menace: The Martian Resistance By Mark Anthony

In the year 2026, the first humans traveled to Mars. Soon after, additional people traversed the expanse, their trek times decreased thanks to advances in propulsion. Then in the late 2030s, A.I. systems radically altered space travel by unlocking the secrets of gravity, thus cutting the travel time...

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 The Book of Ruin By W.G. Hladky

[US+CAN] Generations after solar storms sent the world spiraling into a Second Dark Age, descendants of American soldiers defend the last NATO stronghold in Germania.
From the Asiatic Steppes comes the mysterious Vucari and Vladimir the Resurrected, the Vucari’s warrior prince, who claims to wan...

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 MARiiMO By Tyrel Pinnegar

This is the journal of Tammy Maheswaran, a reclusive roboticist living with undiagnosed autism. It documents the creation of Mariimo, a developmental robotics platform through which Tammy subconsciously externalizes her issues with isolation, anxiety, and touch. Upon the machine's activation, Tammy ...

FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Every Dying Hour: A Martin Aubrey Novel By Justin Rishel

In the future, there is no need for sleep.

Zentransa, a revolutionary pill, gives its users the ability to live a true 24 hour day...fully awake. Only a few can get the Z pill, however, and society revolves around those that do.

Not everyone is happy about it. One Front for the People are terr...