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Genetic Engineering

JULY 11, 2022 Bad Cargo By Daniel Young

As captain of the Marathon, a cobbled-together ship crewed by aliens and androids scraping by on odd jobs at the outskirts of settled space, Adam has plenty to worry about without adding his own species to the mix.

But when a pair of mortally wounded humans cross his path during a heist gone wro...

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Many generations ago, a ship was sent with human embryos to a planet called Betlgeuz-5. This planet, nicknamed the Dark Angel, has an atmosphere that can support human life, albeit just barely. Its thick clouds shroud the planet in perpetual darkness, and constant rain conceals the predators that lu...

Over 2,000 pages of military science fiction action adventure.

The Sol System was conquered and humans lived as slaves for 500 long years. Now, after years of brutal warfare, humanity has been liberated. Liberation, however, comes at a cost, and the Sol System has become nothing more than a pupp...

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JULY 04, 2022 Awakened: A Sci-Fi Space Opera Adventure Series By Ell Leigh Clarke

How Molly has survived military life this long, we'll never know.
When her implanted computer interface is hacked by a nascent AI, Molly has to escape.

Between the militaries' high tech security shields and advanced personnel protocols, it makes getting out in one piece for Molly nigh on impos...

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JUNE 29, 2022 Drone Rider: Cyborg AI Science Fiction By Ginger Booth

Betta Graham enjoys her work as a drone rider. By day, she operates animal drones remotely from a cubicle in dismal 22nd century Chicago Dome. She herds human migrants via her laser-eyed reconnaissance bunnies and attack dogs. By night, she meets her boyfriend in virtual. Valentin is too good to be ...

Imagine a world filled with human-animal hybrids.
They're stronger than us. Faster. More deadly and hungry. Always hungry.

Now, step inside the laboratory and witness their creation.
Created as weapons. Designed to obey.
No one expected them to want revenge.

This is Mutter's story.

For t...

JUNE 20, 2022 Anomaly One By Rick Krusky

The year is 2351 A.D.

A planet in a faraway system bursting at its overpopulated seams has been forced up and into the surrounding space above.

The result: a tangle of cities and floating empires collectively known as the Conglomerate.

JUNE 13, 2022 X WAR: Infiltration By John Triptych

The aliens have arrived, and they’re not friendly.

A series of events begins a shocking revelation that will change everything. Strange lights in the night sky, the disappearance of scientists on the verge of a breakthrough -a growing threat emerges from an unknown enemy- and the chosen few ...

JUNE 10, 2022 FREEDOM Legends: (Book 1) By Stephen Arseneault

For 500 generations, Humans have been addicted to a drug called Shackle, making us slaves to the alien species of the galaxy. Bought, sold, traded, and hunted for sport, our value is measured only in credits. But a virus is sweeping through the Human population, altering a gut bacteria and making us...

JUNE 08, 2022 Planet B (Architects of the Apocalypse, Book 1) By Jasper T. Scott

We are out of time to save the planet. All that’s left is to watch the world burn, but the apocalypse is about to take an unexpected twist.

Alice Rice has discovered the impossible: a potentially habitable world in close proximity to Earth. The media is calling it Planet B.

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