Fifty-three years after it vanished, Earth's only Super-Devastator warship, the ESS Crimson sends out a distress signal...Humanity is fighting against an implacable foe. The Ghasts – a ruthless alien race - seem hell-bent on wiping out mankind. They have a vast warfleet and their technology is adv...
A desperate athlete. A super-soldier experiment. Will cutting-edge technology change the world or destroy it?
In the distant future, an ancient ship reappears, setting the galaxy on a course for war. At the height of Terra’s Golden Age, the Intrepid, a ship laden with the most advanced technology known to humanity set out for a distant colony. It never arrived. Nearly five thousand years later the ship’...
2105, September: Intelligence Analyst Caine Riordan uncovers a conspiracy on Earth's Moon—a history-making clandestine project—and ends up involuntarily cryocelled for his troubles. Twelve years later, Riordan awakens to a changed world. Humanity has achieved faster-than-light travel and is pion...
He's a criminal. She's far from it. Together, they’re Earth's last hope... they just don’t know it yet. Sinbad sh'en Singh had everything. A thriving smuggling career, his hologram on wanted posters on eleven planets, and plenty of women. Then she walked into his life.
WHEN ALIENS INVADE, ONLY A CON MAN CAN SAVE THE DAY...Hollis Palmer is not a good man. An unapologetic thief and womanizer, Hollis has no time for anything that won’t profit him directly. So while the rest of the world is staring up in shock as aliens race toward Earth, he's busy stealing a case v...
The ships came at dawn. Dean’s wife is dead. Her last words: When the ships come...wear the necklace. Then the ships arrived. Cities all around the world reported strange alien vessels descending. Some saw them as the heralds of a new age; others fired everything they had at them. All were taken a...
First contact didn’t go as planned…Time Gate 8, one of humanity’s portals between the stars, has been overrun by a mysterious alien intelligence, and the planet Luddeccea is now cut off. Haunted by those she left behind, Commander Noa Sato is on a desperate mission to save her homeworld.
Old Fashioned Science Fiction!
A thousand specially selected people leave a troubled Earth for a new start on a virgin world many years away. Their starship is state-of-the-art and entirely automatic; its passengers safely sleeping through the long journey. All possible scenarios have been taken ...