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The scum of the galaxy are using Earth as a nuclear winter death camp. It outrages pirate captain Kohia Jekyll’s sense of justice. No one deserves to die agonizingly of radiation poisoning, especially not on the planet humanity had to evacuate seven generations ago. So Kohia intends to close the p...

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The vaccine was supposed to save America. Instead, it transformed tens of millions of Americans into ravenous cannibals. But this is far from a zombie apocalypse. As long as they satisfy their hunger for human flesh, these cannibals can still think - and those that do have rebuilt America into a twi...

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Imagine a world filled with human-animal hybrids.
They're stronger than us. Faster. More deadly and hungry. Always hungry.

Now, step inside the laboratory and witness their creation.
Created as weapons. Designed to obey.
No one expected them to want revenge.

This is Mutter's story.

For t...

APRIL 03, 2024 Mycophoria By Tom G.H. Adams

[US + UK] Deep beneath the earth of a North Cumbrian wood lies the germinating mass of a fungus-like organism. How long it has occupied the fibrous soil of that place is uncertain, but Dr Jim Alburton estimates it is close to ten million years. Then again, this is not his sphere of expertise. He wou...

MARCH 29, 2024 The Great Ooflan From Corplop By Charlie D. Weisman

Charlando is sent to Earth as a baby to escape the clutches of a secret society of cannibalistic Ooflan on his home planet of Corplop. During his long years of isolation with nothing but his spaceship to talk to, he develops a fascination with love and romance. His belief that his soulmate awaits hi...

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MARCH 22, 2024 The Yawning Gap: A Fantasy Adventure By C.V. Vobh

Invisible boundaries have isolated Cor's village for centuries. He discovers a way out. What he finds outside is a blighted and violent world in decline—and he is tasked with fixing it, together with several fellow wanderers. They soon acquire the power to cross the boundaries fragmenting the w...

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Gabe bonds an exceptional dragon more vicious and deadly than he ever imagined.

Devastated by nuclear war, humanity struggles with mutant marauders. Eager to become an elite dragon hunter like his father, Gabe breaks a fatal rule and ventures out of the foreboding compound he calls home into the ...

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Escape isn’t the hardest challenge for a slave – it’s staying free afterwards.

Siblings Thomas and Mia find themselves fleeing across a desolate land, hounded by the monstrous sand-hog, a steam-powered war machine bent on recapturing them at all costs.

Thomas fears the worst. He knows th...

MARCH 18, 2024 The Ark By Christopher Coates

The Earth as we know it is about to end.

Technology has developed to the point where a person can be placed in a Sleep State: a cross between suspended animation and a drug-induced coma.

Just as the trial of the new technology is being completed, an unusual comet is discovered approaching Eart...

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MARCH 15, 2024 Double Edged: A Sci-Fi Crime Thriller By Jessie Kwak

With stakes this high, humanity doesn't need a hero. They need someone who can win.