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Kickass sci-fi heroine versus deadly aliens.

Growing up as a Martian on Earth has left Jas Harrington solitary, quick-tempered, and with zero tolerance for fools. All plus points when working as chief security officer aboard prospecting starships.

Jas's latest berth is on the Galathea, which t...

Trapped between Earth Defense Force Security and a criminal cartel is a recipe for disaster. Good thing I can't cook.

Awarded Honorable Mention in the recent second quarter Volume 40 of L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest.

Reese Daniels has rules for smuggling and when he follows th...

Promo Price: ($2.99) $1.99
JULY 10, 2024 The Cost of Living By David Moody

A survival horror story from the author of the best-selling AUTUMN and HATER novels.

The world is dying. An abhorrent epidemic is sweeping the globe, destroying everything it touches. Contact with even a single drop of contaminated blood or saliva is enough to spread the disease. Within hours eve...

JULY 08, 2024 Primal Link 2: A Military SciFi Epic By L. Bowers

[US + UK] As Corporal Goshawk is adjusting to his new normal, Fate throws him a curve ball.

The Marines are stuck on the alien planet as they search for missing Marines and clues to the goals of the SEALS. While they push to not leave any Marines behind, new challenges are presented as more Marin...

Promo Price: ($3.99) $0.99

There is no peace between gods and mortals. War is about to begin.

Chaos rules in Ferantir.
Darma, god of order, intends to punish humans by means of an ancient evil. Fate will bring together a group formed of a maniacal thief, a warrior without a homeland, two very different brothers, an archma...

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In a digital world, who strips your online presence when you die so no one can steal your assets, ruin your name, or destroy your family after your death?

Kaisha is an elite Code Reaper for Divisiom Enterprises, helping to sever digital ties of the dead and protect their life's achievements from ...

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JULY 08, 2024 Red Storm (Mars Series) By Frank Luna

American Commander “Mac” MacTavish and his international team of scientists and engineers are wrapping up an eighteen-month mission at Mars Base. Without warning, all communication with Earth is mysteriously lost. Mac’s egotistical science chief discovers that a massive solar flare has impacte...

Bloodthirsty Aliens aren’t the only threat…

Ozzy faced an alien horde and an ancient weapon trying to kill him. He saved humanity twice and used the Ark to send the alien’s back to earth.

He’s not out of the woods yet.

While the Ark can protect Mars, it can’t stop the aliens for g...

Promo Price: ($3.99) $0.99

[US + UK] A woman needs a man like an authorized cyborg bounty hunter needs an AI familiar.

Meet Gini, a petite raven-haired femme who weighs all of 105 pounds galactic in a dripping wet shirt—before her carbon-fiber bone implants, of course. As one of the few authorized cyborgs still alive aft...

JULY 05, 2024 The Black Sun (Tales of Askalon Book 1) By Sebastian Melang

"—when found, the bodies bore no signs of injuries, other than the eyes that appeared as if they had burned out from the inside and turned into stone; dark, black, like obsidian."

So reads the report, which Lorian holds in his hands. As an inquisitor and servant to the aristoi—noble and subli...

Promo Price: ($4.99) $0.99